Hyaluronic acid, a super-strong 'moisture reservoir', is a moisturising ingredient with the ability to absorb / store moisture.
A Moisture magnet, Hyaluronic acid attracts the surrounding water molecules, giving a deep moisturising feeling and forming a moisture film to keep the skin moist and healthy for a long time.
This is a highly moisturising ampoule that fills up tightly to increase moisture elasticity. It contains pure hyaluronic acid to repair dry and damaged skin by forming a firm moisturising film.
*Helps clear dark spots due to acne, clears hyperpigmentation.
*It fills the skin with sufficient moisture and is quickly absorbed to keep the skin moist for a long time.
*Highly concentrated nutrients supply energy and form a moisturising film.
*Recommended for people who are worried about the balance of the skin damaged by external stimulation.
*Recommended for people who are troubled with rough and dry skin.
Volume: 100ml.
Made in Korea.
This product is KEBS approved.